Monday, March 28, 2011

Coffee prices on the rise

MEDFORD, Ore. -- The price of coffee is increasing in the United States as supplies decrease overseas.

Some coffee houses in the rogue valley say they've had to raise the cup of joe as much as 12 cents over the past few weeks just to keep up with rising coffee costs

Lauren, a California resident, says she visits coffee houses like Starbucks at least once a week. She says it's a relatively inexpensive way to relax and spend time with friends. Lauren says she's not worried about the rising cost of coffee, at least not yet.

Mellelo Coffee Roasters says several factors are contributing to the rise in coffee prices. The biggest problem is bad weather.

"The last 16-month period there's been a large shift in rainfall, so central South America have been hurt and also Vietnam," Sal Mellelo says. "Although we don't buy any coffee from Vietnam, it has really made the coffee overall rise."

It's not just weather that's pushing the price of coffee higher.

Mellelo continues by saying that there's a generational shift between old and young farmers, with older farmers unable to work and younger people leaving farms for the cities wanting a different life.

Coffee drinkers say they are just happy something has stayed somewhat affordable. They say although coffee prices are rising, sipping on a cup of coffee is still far less expensive than most other activities.


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