Monday, March 28, 2011

Higher global coffee prices push exports

Global coffee prices have been shooting up on supply concerns. This seems to have benefitted Indian coffee exports, which are heading for a record show in the current fiscal. However, exporters warn that the situation is not exactly rosy for the next year with a forecast of production drop and price correction.
Unseasonal rains bring down this year's production
Coffee production in the country is up by 3.2% to 2,99,000 tonne according to Coffee Board figures. The arabica crop was initially estimated to touch 95,000 tonne. But the final figure is expected to be slightly lower with early blossom showers and unseasonal rains in November and December affecting the crop in the main growing regions of Karnataka and Kerala. The estimate for the robusta crop is 2,04,000 tonne. The final estimate is yet to be known as the harvest isn't over.
Indian coffee prices up 20% year on year
The international market is witnessing a shortage with a decline in supplies from Brazil , one of the leading coffee growers, due to adverse weather. The Colombian crop is also down. Indian coffee prices have shown a 20% rise over the previous year. Arabica is selling in the range of 4,600-4 ,750 per 50 kg, while robusta cherry is selling in the range of 2,425-2 ,525 per 50 kg. Prices have been steadily climbing up since the middle of 2010. International arabica prices topped 320 US cents per pound before falling to the current level of 293 cents per pound. Robusta prices are also firming up on low supply and higher consumption. Robusta prices have touched 126 cents per pound, up from 117 cents per pound.
Exports get a push from value-addition
Around 80% of the coffee produced in the country is being shipped. Exports have crossed 3 lakh tonne and are all set to touch a new peak in 2010-11 . Shipments were at 1,95,068 tonne in the previous year. Higher import of coffee beans resulted in further export of value-added coffee during the year. As a result of surging prices, export realisation is also better this year. While exports were worth 2,061 crore last year, they are closer to 3,500 crore in 2010-11 .
Holding back of stock pushing up prices
The prospects for Indian coffee 2011-12 may not be as bright as it was this year. A lower production has been forecast while price rise beyond a point could also affect exports adversely. Prices are expected to remain bullish in the near term as there is a production deficit in the global market. Growers are holding back the stock which is raising the prices.


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